By arrowtopatella - 24/12/2011 05:15 - Australia

Today, my mother was watching me play Pokémon. She walked over to the TV and pulled the plug before ranting about how shameful it is that her 17 year old daughter plays Pokémon. She then sat down at the computer and started playing Farmville. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 459
You deserved it 5 974

arrowtopatella tells us more.

Hey guys, I'm the OP of this FML. I was playing XD- Gale of Darkness, one of my favourites. Alas there is no 'elite 4' as such in the Orre region, I was in the middle of catching a rare Wooper at a PokeSpot which I could have traded for an awesome Larvitar. Sigh. Rich world problems, I know. And yes, shock horror, I am a female that plays Pokemon, le gasp. And also I do play old-school Mario and stuff, I've been a Nintendo fangirl ever since I was little, occasionally migrating to other consoles to play things like Skyrim (No CoD for me though, thank you very much. Blegh.)

Top comments

Unplug the router while she's harvesting.

17 year old girl playing Pokemon? Marry me.


BluuGirl 4

Pokemon rocks, I grew up on that shit.

WAIT! I'm not the only one?!?! I am so glad there are other 17 year old girls who love Pokemon!

That's wrong, no one is old for Pokémon

No you. OP: Why should your mom build digital crops or whatever FarmVille is about when she can just work at a real farm?

Damn what's wrong with your mother? Pokemon rocks! She should be ashamed cuz she's playing farmville. Pokemon VS Farmville... Definitely Pokemon Oh and while I was typing this, my spell checker knows Pokemon and says it's OK, while its red underlined at Farmville.. PWNT!

WTF? Guys, OP was playing Gale of Darkness.

I'm 21 and I also play pokemon. Love it, and always will. I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic too, and it's a lot better than a shitload of "adult" tv series. Whoever judges people based on what they like, when they're not harming anyone with it, is the one that needs to grow up. I feel sorry for you, OP D: Now I'm curious as to which game it was.

Its okay me and my 19 year old brother still play it :)

InfernalDavichu 0

Pokemon is awesome. You should try to get your mom to play Pokemon

Pokemon is awesome :) I'm a 21 yr old girl and I still love playing it.