By arrowtopatella - 24/12/2011 05:15 - Australia

Today, my mother was watching me play Pokémon. She walked over to the TV and pulled the plug before ranting about how shameful it is that her 17 year old daughter plays Pokémon. She then sat down at the computer and started playing Farmville. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 459
You deserved it 5 974

arrowtopatella tells us more.

Hey guys, I'm the OP of this FML. I was playing XD- Gale of Darkness, one of my favourites. Alas there is no 'elite 4' as such in the Orre region, I was in the middle of catching a rare Wooper at a PokeSpot which I could have traded for an awesome Larvitar. Sigh. Rich world problems, I know. And yes, shock horror, I am a female that plays Pokemon, le gasp. And also I do play old-school Mario and stuff, I've been a Nintendo fangirl ever since I was little, occasionally migrating to other consoles to play things like Skyrim (No CoD for me though, thank you very much. Blegh.)

Top comments

Unplug the router while she's harvesting.

17 year old girl playing Pokemon? Marry me.


JohnnyBoyFML0420 0

I choose you Charmander!!! HahAhAh

Sorry but FarmVille is better than Pokemon, both lame af, but Pokemon is so much more childish and ******* stupid!

Farmville is a wannabe game. Just like all facebook games, it sucks. If you think it is better than Pokemon, I hope you don't vote.

winterforever97 30

Pokemon is so much better than FarmVille.

God! I'm 25 and if still given the option I would prefer playing Pokemon over Farmville. I hate that crappy fb game.

sumer12321 0

I'm 17, a girl and I play mom just pretends I'm playing some cutesy do what I do and say pokemon FTW!!! Then go replyg that shiet and play onnn

I used to play Pokemon, then I took an arrow to the knee.

Pokemon > Farmville ANYTIME, ANYDAY. Childhood memories <3

your mom just be farmtarded. at least Pokemon is original , farmville is 100% worthless and ******* stupid. "oh my god look I grew a fake plant of of corn im so skilled" that's what she's thinking. in reality she probably wuldnt be able to even plant a seed without ******* it up. idiot.

rocketsox 0

I'm a 16 year old girl and I play Pokemon! I also collect the cards! No shame! :D

No, you definitely deserve that... Pokemon at 17, your a dork. Leave your mom alone