By thanksmom - 22/12/2014 23:15 - United States - Watertown

Today, my mother brought over some early Christmas presents for me and the kids. The kid's presents were fine, mine however consisted of many yard accessories, including solar lights. I live in an apartment building with no yard. Her response? "Buy a potted plant and shove them in there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 057
You deserved it 2 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kids' * OP - At least she brought you something, I guess?

they will light up the dark places for you!

Good to see true Xmas spirit even from people with kids of their own.

Something is better than nothing. Don't be an ingrate; just return them at the store or donate them.

Astrum14 24

Something you can't use and which will just take up much-needed space is not better than nothing.

Sell them and then use the money to buy something you want

Luke1989 4

How about being thankful someone got you a present.

Really? Some gifts just say "**** you!", you know. My flatmate once made a trip to latin america and the idiot lost his credit card without having ANY backup. No cash, no second card and even his girlfriend apparently had no money with her. I spend a whole free day driving around, wasting tons of gas and taking care of his shit. I did lots and lots of paper work, had arguments with bank clerks and even lend him money. Oh, and for the rest of the time I took care of his pets as well. And when he came back, what did he give to me as "Thank you"-gift? A cheap 0.5cl bottle of german booze that he clearly did not buy in latin america. Oh, and he knows that I don't drink alcohol. So I'd say his gift pretty much said "**** you!" and I was absolutely not thankful for it.

TallMist 32

"Thank you for these solar lights, Mom! They'll look so pretty in the plant pots that I have to take the plant out of to get just ONE to fit! They'll look even better when they don't work at night because my apartment (WITH NO FRONT YARD TO PUT THEM IN) isn't made totally of glass!"

I have a hunch she just re gifted if she obviously knows you live in an apartment lol