By KitKat270 - 28/05/2009 01:40 - Canada

Today, my mom informed me that she wouldn't be joining the rest of the girls in the limo ride to the church for my wedding ceremony because she wants to have her car with her. Why? Because she is planning to leave my wedding reception half way through to go home and take her dog out to pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 688
You deserved it 4 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2 I'd think that her daughter's wedding is more important than this. If the dog is so important, she should have made plans for someone else to watch the dog that day so she could be there the whole time to support her daughter.

I agree with #13. What's the big deal? Jesus she's not SKIPPING the whole freaking wedding here, there is nothing wrong with going home real quick to let the dog out so he/she doesn't pee all over the house. OP you might need to be less of a Bridezilla.


#45, you seem quite bitter. Because we don't think it's horrible that her mother is leaving for 30 minutes, it means we're bitches? Maybe you should be the one worrying about finding someone who can stand you, because with that attitude, it's going to be hard. To some people, a wedding is nothing more than just that. A wedding. And I really don't think it's that horrible that her mother is leaving for half an hour, and I sure wouldn't mind it if it happened at my wedding. It's a wedding. It's _not_ supposed to be perfect, it's supposed to be a day where you enjoy yourself, and take it as it comes, instead of getting stressed about small details that aren't exactly like you imagined them.

From what I've seen at weddings the bride spends very little time with their Mum anyway, they're usually busy talking to friends and other relitives. I bet she could have done it without you even noticing if she hadn't told you. Just because it's your wedding day doesn't mean the world has to revolve entirely around you.

thatsbull95 0

It's a valid excuse honey!!! Rufus is getting old and he needs to pee himself once every two hours!!! I love you but I just can't make your full reception! I'm sorry! you don't need to tell the whole world about it.

snake_Girl85 0

Mothers of the Bride are usually bending over backwards to make sure everything is perfect for their daughter's big day... Possibly with all the craziness she was dealing with it slipped her mind that "oh, the dog still has to pee." And she didn't have the chance to find someone to take care of that... It's not like she has to be chained to her daughter's side all day, for Gods sake, let her have a moment to herself to be a responsible pet owner and save her couch/carpet. I agree that this girl is being VERY selfish. If they lived an hour away from the reception site then yeah, that would suck. But odds are she is coming back. I got married a month ago, and was frequenting several wedding websites. It amazes me how self-centered brides get about "the best day of their lives." The wedding day is not supposed to be your best day, it's all the days after it.

Well, at first I was going to comment about how I disagree with the OP and how she was being selfish and everything. You guys handled that though. I simply want to point out this: The dog is probably an excuse! If you treat every problem the way you handled this glitch with your mother, then your poor mother probably is incorporating about 20 minutes she can get away from your attitude! You are about to be a WIFE (congrats) and you need to start acting like an adult.

She'd come back, and it would be no big deal. It's not like she'd be missing anything important. You do all the important stuff at the beginning of the reception anyway. If my mom had been like, "brb gotta let the dog out" I would have been fine with it. Don't be so self-absorbed on your wedding day that you forget the most important part. You're getting married! Don't worry about all the other stuff or you'll end up stressing about stupid little things. Congrats.

Everyone who said she has no right to be upset or that it would be a major diss if it was her mother-in-law need to shut the hell up. She has a right to be upset, her mother should be there the whole time for her daughter, and as for the groom, it's a major diss on him since that is HIS mother-in-law. How would you feel if someone who raised you and supported you decided that their dog was more important than seeing you get married or something else of that nature. I bet half you would be pissed beyond all recognition. For anyone yet to graduate, how would you feel if they decided to leave half way through commencement to let their dog out? I bet you would be pissed. Shut up, sit down, and watch the movie.

it's not like the moms leaving during the actual ceremony. dear god did you not read the whole thing? the moms leaving during the reception. not during the actual ceremony.

#59 I agree! And also, the way I understood it is that her mother wants to leave the reception halfway through and WON'T be coming back...otherwise it probably wouldn't be that much of an FML but it would definitely have sucked. I would have been crushed if my Mom hadn't been there at my wedding the entire time...on the other hand my mother would have never left me on such an important day.

Um mom did leave for like 30 min of my wedding reception to let the dogs out! I didn't care. My parents paid for the wedding why should they also have to pay to get the carpets cleaned. Its really not that big of a deal. In the whole scheme of things what matters is the ceremony. (Or should be if ur not a nut job) and her mom will be there for that!

She has a right be upset 59 but it shows how immature and selfish she is. 20 minutes gone should not damage a whole day. The Mom is being responsible and the daughter is being a baby. It is an important day but the Mom will be there for the ceremony and the reception. What if the Mom had to go to the bathroom and it took 20 minutes... what a selfish bitch she is I guess. I mean really. Life is going to be very hard for all of you that are saying how wrong the Mom is. You are in for a wakeup call because the world doesn't revolve around you. It is 20 MINUTES out of a whole day. Get a grip!