By notmysistersbf - 20/04/2015 02:39 - Canada - Summerland

Today, my mom called my workplace and told my boss to make sure I wear a hat so I didn't get heatstroke like I did on my last shift. I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 706
You deserved it 3 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it's nice to know she's looking out for ya!

At least you know you have someone in your life you know cares, and know you know your boss won't let you get heatstroke again for sure. Get ready for some teasing coming your way op.


FusionPlacebo 26

She's just caring for you. Don't complain!

I don't see what's bad about this. She cares about you and doesn't want you to have another heat stroke. It might be a bit embarrassing but at least she cares.

Well in all fairness, you act like you are an adult who can handle heatstroke, but you just had one yesterday. She obviously has a reason to be concerned, and she is looking out for her child. I won't say this is a YDI case, but nor is it an FML.

Badkarma4u 17
notmysistersbf 8

okay guys OP here first off I am a girl second for those who are asking about my name long story that started with me being set up on a blind date for a TV show with a guy who was eerily familiar to my sister's bf with a lot of similarities and I can't stand my sisters bf so it made for an awkward date now onto my post I have had heat stroke before while working and wearing a had /keeping hydrated I am a level 3 first aid attendant for those who don't understand what that means I am just under paramedic pretty much so I know the risks and how to not get it but I wound up with food poisoning the first time causing me to get heatstroke last summer while working I am a security guard who does a lot of events concerts festivals etc. so I do know wear a hat keep covered drink tons of water to keep hydrated. anyways on Thursday I was working outside for approximately 7.5hrs and my work didn't bring hats for us to wear and I'm suppose to wear a company hat so I wasn't wearing a hat outside that time while working and wound up again with heat stroke this time mild unlike before when I nearly died needless to say Saturday when I was working I woke up and knew I was still suffering side affects of the heat stroke and probably shouldn't have worked but it was to close to my shift and it was a huge event that they wouldn't be able to do with out me so I buckled down and went I had my friend who is also a field medic drive me in and since he also works for the company he told them what was up and so did I the moment we got there and I told my boss I would like a hat and she gave me one right away and told me to radio her if I started feeling sick which thankfully this time around I didn't I am a little teeved with my mom for calling my boss behind my back even though I understand she was looking out for me because it went all the way to the co owner of the company who thankfully adores me but still I'm looking to enter the supervisor training and with her doing that it set me back and I now have to wait for the heat to die down from this

Ashd09 30
notmysistersbf 8

lol my favorite quote from a grammar and punctuation book "those with intelligent minds leave punctuation and grammar to those with inferior minds such as editors and publishers"

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Yeah, making sure your writing is properly punctuated/has correct grammar definitely means you have an inferior mind... Right.

crackajak 15

Too many comments starting with "at least".

notmysistersbf 8

yes and no technically helps keep the sun off your face its not a sure fire way to prevent heat stroke you still need to keep hydrated wear sun screen don't pump yourself full of junk food try not to stay in the sun for to long and if you are wearing a hat and start to still get over heated soak the hat in water and put it back on to help