By fuckoffgran - 01/08/2013 14:46 - Ireland

Today, my grandma told everyone at our party to stay away from me, saying, "Ya might catch obesity from her and become fatass porkers too." I complained to my dad, at which point my gran faked being inebriated. My dad rolled his eyes and said, "She's DRUNK, honey. Chill out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 486
You deserved it 5 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like my family reunions. Sometimes you just gotta "respect" your elders by biting your tongue. Although that was quite insensitive of her. I'm sorry OP that's not nice at all

Tell everyone to steer clear of grandma or you'll get saggy **** that look like plastic bags filled halfway with water lol


What do u expect, either lose the weight or get over it and be proud to be fat, if ur offended ur a weak minded slob in denial, get off ur lazy ass and lose the weight

I think it's time to love grandma from afar.

Bluelephant88 5

Next time your near your grandma make sure to cough right on her then say oops guess your gonna be fat now lol

You're in Ireland, what do you expect. Of course she's drunk.

reymon8823 24

Sounds like my grandmother so i stay away from her