By Anonymous - 07/12/2018 07:30 - United States - Rockville Centre

Today, my girlfriend of 3 months broke up with me via text and said she was keeping the cat. I've had the cat since for seven years since she was a kitten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 355
You deserved it 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she’s only a girlfriend of two months, how is she in a position to even attempt to keep the cat?

Yeah, no, screw that. That is your cat.


tounces7 27

Show up with the police and get the cat back.

You moved in in less than three months? I almost say YDI for being so impulsive, but she definitely doesn’t have any right to your cat. Just go take it back. A “girlfriend” has no “right” to any of your belongings. Especially one of only three months. grow some balls and go get your cat back.


Then take it back? Did she point a gun at you?

Mungolikecandy 19

You have only been dating three months how does she even have the cat? You didn't live together I presume (having dated for such a short time) so if she has gone to your house and taken it that would be theft.

get the cat. do NOT let her push you on this. please update