By crissy becks - 05/08/2012 22:05 - United States - Inglewood

Today, my friends and I planned to go to a waterpark together. However, due to a "miscommunication," I, and only I, was given both the wrong time and the wrong meeting place. I spent three hours sitting in a parking lot in little more than my swimming suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 115
You deserved it 3 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackii1313 9

Are you sure they're friends? I think you need some new ones.


DylansMomma 9

Your comment : Why did you wait three hours? Wasn't it obvious after the first hour you were stood up?

New friends are needed and waiting 3 hours?! Would u of noticed after like 30min?

Should have just gone in, been open and outgoing, had fun and forgotten the awful people who attempted to humiliate you! Make the best of every encounter !

Wow 3 whole hours of waiting. I wouldn't mind having a friend like you. Only if more people are like you OP. True friends are better than fake ones.

Since these people executed their (imaginary) birthright to act like total arseholes, you should execute yours to treat them as such. Hypothetically speaking, even if these should be your only friends, you're still better off without them. As for waiting three hours, my general principle is that I'll wait 15 minutes max. before leaving, unless I'm receiving an explanatory phone call during this period. It's what I'm doing - even when for example traffic will delay me by just five minutes, I'm calling to announce this. Basic courtesy...

you waited 3 hours? yeah maybe they are kind of a-holes for doing that, but they might just be sick of you. if you are willing to wait around for 3 hours, maybe you need to do some self-reflection and figure out why your friends would do something like that. Maybe you are just pathetic or socially awkward?

vaughant 5

That's so mean I'm sorry :(

blink_kid 32

Time for new friends! Why even invite you if they planned to do that? I mean, not getting invited would hurt, but that kind of humiliation? That's just ******* horrible. Just ditch them.