By AlphonseMuchacha - 19/06/2016 01:16 - Australia

Today, my flatmate came home from a date with the same guy that I have been in love with since high school. As I type, can hear them having sex through our paper thin walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 234
You deserved it 2 026

AlphonseMuchacha tells us more.

Hey all OP here. Thanks for all the kind words. For those wondering, I gave my flatmate my blessing. The guy and I dated for a little while but it didn't work out, for him at least. I still harbour feelings for him but want them both to happy. Still sucks though.

Top comments

If your roommate knew, they're a grade A bitch.

I would suggest noise-cancelling headphones.


Try listening to music to drown them out

If your roommate knew, they're a grade A bitch.

#10 it does matter if the roommate knew because she crippled OP's chance with him.

Good people don't have sex with their friends crush, whether or not she has a chance with him. Her flat made should have talked to her first to see if it's okay.

#10 - Still, why not go to his place? Or at least try to be quiet? No matter how paper thin walls are, it is perfectly possible to be quiet enough (speaking from personal college experience). It seems deliberate and hurtful, if they knew.

Uh, no, 10. A person can be madly in love someone who doesn't reciprocate their feelings. Been there, done that. And whether OP has made a move or not, dated him in the past or not, or whatever the circumstances may be, if the roommate knows how she feels about the guy, it is extremely cruel to throw it in her face that she's ******* him by doing it in the apartment so she knows and hears what's happening as it's happening. I can't imagine the emotional pain OP was experiencing when she typed this FML.

I'm going to have to agree with your point about being in love with someone. But it does make OPs flatmate a **** if she did know, which I'm just going to assume was not the case I'd love some clarification from the OP though

FML_HelloItsMe 15

Is your dp a picture of mexico? Its beautiful

Aveera you're operating under the assumption that OP is angry at the flat mate/the guy. She may simply be sad about how things turned out and be frustrated (sexually and otherwise) and so decided to post on FML. Nothing wrong with that

#33 the problem here is there is too many story book lunatics. tell a guy you like him, if he doesn't reciprocate back then move on. but how do we know the room mate even knows she liked him? again assumptions made by hurt in the past people.

Did you ever tell the boy in question that you loved him or did you just watch and silently pine over him, waiting for him to notice you? If the former, FYL. If the latter, YDI.

Agree. You can't claim a person infinitely if you haven't given it a shot.

I don't think the OP was angry at the guy I think they were just bemoaning their life. Which is ok imo

Sorry OP!! I'd suggest going out and just having a good time, take your mind off it. Let karma handle it..

Let karma handle it? What exactly did they do to deserve karma?

If I were you, I'd just leave the apartment. Go do something else so you're not in the vicinity.

Am I the only one to suggest she (presumably) hop into that action?

If u loved him since high school and im assuming ur in college why wont u do anything about it, i mean do u think hes gonna read ur mind or something so stop being sorry...... Unless ur roommate knew u were after him thats kinda ******...