By Becky - 21/08/2009 23:51 - United Kingdom

Today, my family bet me $20 to wear a Disney Princess hat for the entire day around a theme park. I am 17 years old. We decided to go for lunch in one of the restaurants. After we finished, a woman gave my parents a leaflet on how to cope with disabled children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 741
You deserved it 9 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That woman fails. How rude of her to assume that, although you have to admit, it'd be funny to see happen!


homedoggieo 0

This is an FML? It's more of a "LOL GUESS WHAT THIS CRAZY LADY DID TODAY" than anything else.

tash14 1

I don't know why the lady would give your parents that leaflet. As a sibling to a 19 year old with Down Syndrome, I can tell you that once you hit the teen years you are pretty much way past the learning to cope stage. Plus, wearing a princess hat around a theme park all day sounds like something some of my friends would do just to be funny/stupid.

theshinepolice 0

i agree, teens do stupid things like that all the time. i guess some might have found it obnoxious, but i wouldn't think you had developmental issues for it. that woman took it way out of proportion. i personally would have laughed, i love doing silly things like that.

Twin_Uzis 0

That's not a bet, that's a dare.

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

i wouldve slapped tht woman silly with the hat[: yea, teach her a lesson. hahaa.

lol Aww. Don't worry about it OP, people are just judgmental and helpful at the wrong times. I bet your family had a great laugh at it though. You should have said something like: "I-I'm an excellent driver."

The only way this is an FML is if you don't get the $20. Who gives a shit what a random person at an amusement park thinks?

that_guy321 2

agreed with #86 but even then, you still deserved it, because it was something completely in your control you could've said no to the bet.

If I was you, OP, I would have grabbed it from my parents, said "Excuse me, we don't need this!" and ripped it in half :)

ashleeee 0

that lady is a jerk ! why the heck is she assuming you are disabled ? and even if you were; im sure your parents would not need help ! i would so wear a princess hat for some money too.

I highly doubt she actually thought you were disabled. People hand out leaflets regardless of whether or not they are directly applicable. You're 17 (still a kid) and going to Disney with your family - A Disney hat is acceptable attire. Enjoy it!