By nerdwithagun - 24/12/2010 07:15 - United States

Today, my dad had a go at me because he thought I was embarrassed by him and that was why I never invited any of my friends over. I was too embarrassed to tell him it's actually because I don't have any friends to invite over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 763
You deserved it 3 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Froley 0

It really isn't that simple. What if OP is shy and has a hard time talking to people in the first place?


shalbriri 0

ten bucks says Jess is a guy.

Do people from texas actually say 'Have a go' ?

oslate 4

5- Well aren't you a bitch? I bet you have no friends yourself. You're probably a fat ass nerd picking on people and reading these FMLs to make your pathetic lonely life have some action. Classic act of insecurity. Get a life you worthless whoe

mgt90 0

it waz hard for me to make friends @first. u just have to talk to ppl. I hope u make friends soon

mgt90 0

It waz hard for me to make friends @ first too. u just have to talk to ppl and be u. I hope u make friends real soon.

My parents asked me the same question and I told them " because it's call of duty time " unfortunatly, I also have no friends on live either.