By Anonymous - 23/02/2013 16:13 - United States - Riverside

Today, my boyfriend of 2 years decided to tell an unimaginably rude joke to my grandma while at my house. She hit him over the head with a vase, and he's threatening to press charges. I still don't know whose side to take. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 781
You deserved it 4 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The problem is not the problem. The problem is your grandmas reaction to the problem. That's the problem.

BubbleGrunge 18

Well, your boyfriend seems like an asshole for wanting to press charges, however granny didn't need to hit him over the head with a vase. Perhaps everyone can sit down and settle things like adults? Hopefully this will teach your boyfriend to keep his rude jokes to himself!


Violence is not equal to a filthy joke. A vase is dangerous, if they're glass or ceramic. Severe cuts and bleeding on the head is what you could be complaining about.

Lemme see. Your boyfriend tells an elderly "Lady" (the operative word here) what is by your own admission an inappropriate and distasteful tale. Her reaction is to bring to this crude jerks attention that she is not some bar ***** he just picked up. I don't see where you have any problem making a decision except possibly if you would ever see this thug again. If a gentleman would have been present it should have ended by his saying "excuse me ladies" and then taking said boyfriend outside and punching his lights out

cradle6 13

So, violence against men is completely acceptable? You're a bad person.

If a man would have punched his lights out with that little provocation then he would not be a gentleman.

bettyc4 26

Screw all the people that that thumbs down this comment. I think it's awesome!

There's always the fact that your boyfriend was so disrespectful to even think of telling such an inappropriate joke in front of your grandma so take your grandmothers side. There's also the fact that your grandmother might die soon, so you could take your boyfriends side and wait it out. This is an issue of your own judgement and circumstances, if I had a close relationship with my grandmother, I would take her side especially since by the sounds of it you haven't been with your boyfriend long else he would've known what your family was like and wouldn't have been such a dumbass. If I didn't get on with my grandmother, I'd stay neutral and see how it plays out.

I guess you failed to see when she said that its her boyfriend of 2 years. That's not really a short amount of time. It could just be that she doesn't bring them together often

Maybe because her grandmother's a little crazy...

No joke could justify hitting someone over the head with a ******* vase.

wanderingshopper 13

Okay. The op says unimaginably rude, so that being the case, and grandma is from another era, its easily understandable her reaction. What's not understandable is why the boyfriend even thought an extremely rude joke would be any kind of acceptable. Siding with grandma is logical and loyal. Boyfriends come and go, grandmas are family.

BunchieRules 31

While I understand that what the boyfriend said was rude and disrespectful, the grandmother hit him with a VASE. I'm not taking sides with either of them, but I'm sure there were other ways to handle the situation than physical assault.

my gram is the same way. she carried brass knuckles until she got arrested for public intoxication.…i can relate. however your boyfriend should know when to not cross the line and your granny should NOT be hitting anyone for any reason other than self defense. and in this case I wouldn't be taking any sides. they're both equally stupid.

Satoaoi 13

there should not be trouble deciding he was in the wrong. and family comes first

The grandma had no reason to hit him with a vase. They are normally glass or ceramic and could some major damage. A smack would be reasonable, but not hitting with a vase

So the vase might have been a *slight* overreaction, but your boyfriend should have the decency to watch his mouth around your elders. It's simple respect.