By toonice - 17/07/2014 20:48 - United States - Eugene

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because I'm too nice. Apparently, me being nice to him makes him feel guilty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 714
You deserved it 4 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DesiBoyz 14

He obviously has sumthing to be guilty of

Good, now you can find someone who is just as nice :).


wizardofozzy68 7

Two girls have broken up with me for this reason. I think that one of them just wanted me to move faster than I was comfortable with. I struggled with this and worried about it for years, but I promise you it gets better OP. I finally found someone who appreciates this quality and you will too. I used to wonder, "So what? You don't want me to treat you nice? Would you rather I be a jerk?" That's when I realized that they both just have low self esteem and opinions of themselves as I'm sure your ex does. It hurts now, but please realize that this is his loss and not yours. If he has that low self esteem, you can definitely do better.

cjwayy 22

That's bullshit. That can't be the real reason. Ask him what's really going on. I'm sorry, OP.

My boyfriend wants to break up because of this same thing. He says he doesn't deserve me and knowing that makes him feel guilty. He says I'm too pure and noble and that he will never love me like I deserve. I don't even think that's true, but whatever. I know how you feel, OP. Don't let this experience take the best of you; now you're free to find someone better who will really appreciate you as you are.

ninety 25

He sounds like he has commitment issues. If he truly believed that, he would be working to better himself.

I get where your boyfriend's coming from. In my first two relationships the guys were too nice for my taste. It was too easy to walk over them and they wouldn't have heated debates with me. I felt guilty for being annoyed with them for being too nice, and for breaking up with them because they were nice. I also have an even nicer friend who I feel bad if I even poke fun at her or at others when I'm around her. Cheating isn't the only reason someone might feel guilty around an overly nice person.

ninety 25

You shouldn't feel guilty for being annoyed with them. They let you "walk all over them"? Sounds like you did it on purpose and you should feel guilty for treating them like shit instead.

I wouldn't intend to, but I can be a bit oblivious and headstrong at times, and would sometimes unknowingly pressure them in situations, be it agreeing with me in a debate or going some place I wanted to go but they really didn't. They wouldn't tell me they didn't like the situation, and I wouldn't realize until afterwords, which left me feeling guilty. I try to avoid doing this, but it is difficult when I'm used to dealing with people who have no qualms telling me their thoughts, and then suddenly I have to adjust to people who are trying to not upset me with conflict.

Well, at least you don't have to deal with the prick anymore!!

lilbillXD 16

I didnt know being too nice was a bad thing

Danielt104 6

Damn, and here I thought nice guys were the only lonely ones. Being nice really gets you nowhere

I sure hope your next boyfriend finds that a virture