By tht1chk - 31/10/2010 00:37 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to have sex for the first time. While we were undressing each other, he said, "Wow, if we have children, you're gonna have to shave, or they'll die from rug-burn as they come out!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 650
You deserved it 30 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RC4524 0

Regardless of your stance on hair "down there" he really should learn some tact, particularly at such a personal moment.

Y'know, if my man insisted every woman in the world shave, I'd smack his three day beard off him. I hate the razorburn, and I don't do wax(nope, no, once was enough). I'll trim a lot of times, and sometimes shave as a treat to him, but hell no on permanently bald. You want A woman that is shaved all the time, that's your choice. Keep your opinion about ******* you're never going to see to yourself. You don't have the right to judge every woman's ******.


double_rainbow_o 0

YDI for not shaving,its disgusting

pahaha, fyl for moaning about such an awesome boyfriend!

sipher16 0

um.. ya.. most guys like a shaved pussy.. what made you think your man would be any different? and even if he doesn't like it completely shaved, you still should have trimmed it back.

also, people, where does the OP say she was losing her virginity?? because I sure didn't read that part.. ever think that MAYBE she already had lost her virginity to another, and this was the first time with a new boyfriend? I, sadly, know quite a few women who don't shave when they don't have a bf/gf

monnanon 13

Some women enjoy the respite of not having a bf so they can let it go for a wee bit. Nothing wrong with letting it grow if no one is looking. You say most men prefer it shaved. I haven't met any man who has said that, no one wants furballs but I doubt many men want fully waxed/shaved. I also like how you and everyone else on this thread assumed that her pussy must be really bushy. Maybe she did tidy it up but her bf still made a joke out of nervousness. Stubble would cause more rug burn than full hair i would have thought.

ya I would say shave but really it all you. also done razor it,wax it. better for the pleasure for both of u.

aprilfacee 0

gross, I don't know why you don't shave in the first place(:

that's disgusting, shave your vag if you're doing anything sexual! that should be common sense!

CoachLlama 5