By youre dumped shitforbrain - 19/08/2012 16:52 - Sweden - H?lleforsn

Today, my boyfriend again accused me of cheating on him. This time, it was because I delayed replying to his text message so I could feed my pet. Apparently I'm fucking my pet toad now. Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 727
You deserved it 5 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beezerbnt00 4

Pretty sure that's illegal....


Ugh, I hate lol. Can we just go back to haha?Plus simply commenting " dump him " is no cause for any kind of " lol".

Schizomaniac 24

67, if you hate "lol", I suggest you either come to terms with it or leave the Internet.

perdix 29

Remember, you can lick your toad and get high ;) ******* him won't do much for either of you.

mrnuleef 7

Wow he thinks you are low enough to perform acts of **********? With a toad? Yeah, leave his ass

Wow it's Mr Big from the other post. Maybe they can work it out with some relationship therapy. Couples have issues, yknow?

Remember, toads give you warts. So ******* a toad gives you genital warts. Your boyfriend is just concerned! :P (And yes, I know the warts thing is an old wives' tale. It's a joke.)

TobyDaHood 3

Dump him, SERIOUSLY... It only gets worse because he's insecure and doesn't trust you.

grndNpnd 6

A lots of people say when they are paranoid of you cheating it is because they are the ones cheating. Dump him you deserve better

Do you happen to be that monkey on YouTube, OP? If so, turn yourself in. Poor amphibians...