By youre dumped shitforbrain - 19/08/2012 16:52 - Sweden - H?lleforsn

Today, my boyfriend again accused me of cheating on him. This time, it was because I delayed replying to his text message so I could feed my pet. Apparently I'm fucking my pet toad now. Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 727
You deserved it 5 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beezerbnt00 4

Pretty sure that's illegal....


The only toad in this scenario is your boyfriend. Upgrade immediately.

Unless you've given him reason in the past for the mistrust then he's most likely cheating himself.

He knew you were with the toad. He was afraid you'd give him warts.

Looks like you need a real man that doesn't have any insecure issues

The toad is a prince! He should be suspicious!

DraGonfLy12 3
The_Mastadon 5
pcentral 17

Sounds like you've got yourself an Overly Attached Boyfriend.