By fuckdubstep51 - 21/07/2012 22:49 - United States - Willingboro

Today, my boss gave me a warning for "insulting our best customer" after she saw a comment on her customer card saying "stop giving this fat bitch free samples." My boss had written it in the first place, but refuses to either remember or admit it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 648
You deserved it 1 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a prick! 1. For saying you did it. 2. For writing that. You give that fat bitch all the samples she wants. :) (I am obviously kidding when calling her that)

Just keep giving her free samples...that'll show your boss!


rcgirl2 11

You should report that douche to the person who's above him.

Y'all trippin. Should of gone along with it and took the blame. He wasn't going to do anything clearly. You would of gotten on his good side

It's hard to take you seriously when you say things like "Y'all trippin'" and "should of" instead of "should have". Hey, no one is perfect. Just trying to keep you from those vicious FML sharks.

Crissayuh 1
futtbucker92 0

What else would it be? Tampon samples? No, 'cause that wouldn't make since.

afunnyterdcody 5

That's when u pour kerosene all over the damn place whn it's close and light the mother ****** up

That's a disgusting response. You should be banned from posting here.

Your boss seems really stupid for writing that down, most people only think it.

Bosses think they can get away with anything:/ this includes my father!

If your boss didn't remember doing it then you would have been fired instead of getting a warning. Start job hunting and get out asap.

Can someone PLEASE tell me what Op means? And who prefers hotdogs or hamburgers??

futtbucker92 0

I have customers take advantage of my store every day! Makes me want to pull my hair out!!

It's totally acceptable to just deck your boss now !!