By PhantomKitty - 29/04/2016 15:20 - United States - Washington
PhantomKitty tells us more.
To clarify, I have been suffering from anxiety ever since I was a child. I used to not speak to people at all. I got this job as an attempt to break free of my anxiety. For the first nine months or so, it worked. I was much happier and could actually initiate conversations with people I didn't even know. Last year my grandfather was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and in December my mother nearly died. Since then my anxiety has been spiralling out of control. I realize that I should talk to someone and start on medication again, but I can't afford it, as I only make slightly more than minimum wage. I'm sure my family would help me, but I don't wish to bother them.
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Show it anywayBecause the OP recently lost her physic abilities and was unable to see how severe her anxiety would become.
That's unfair bro. People still have to work whether they are healthy, or have some type of health problem. I remember a co-worker of my brother and I would suffer from seizures, but she went to work regardless. The last time she worked there, she collapsed and was having a seizure. So be grateful but more understanding with people who have to deal with issues like op and others.
Sometimes people just need a job. Can't always have the perfect job. Cashiering actually kind of helped with my anxiety for awhile. I had a script I'd follow with each customer so it became easier for me to talk to strangers since the conversation was pretty much the same with everyone. When people went off my script however, that caused problems for me. OP I'd recommend finding a doctor you trust to talk to. I'm still on the hunt for a doctor who will listen to me instead of trying to just shove pills at me without understanding everything. Hope you have better luck than I've had op.
I think it's time to seek medical help. If you are panicking from people approaching you, you might want to see about getting an anti-anxiety medicine on board.
I am sorry to hear that you are in such a bad state with anxiety. Please seek a mental health professional, and take care of you.
If it's that bad you need to get professional help. These things generally don't work themselves out on their own.
To clarify, I have been suffering from anxiety ever since I was a child. I used to not speak to people at all. I got this job as an attempt to break free of my anxiety. For the first nine months or so, it worked. I was much happier and could actually initiate conversations with people I didn't even know. Last year my grandfather was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and in December my mother nearly died. Since then my anxiety has been spiralling out of control. I realize that I should talk to someone and start on medication again, but I can't afford it, as I only make slightly more than minimum wage. I'm sure my family would help me, but I don't wish to bother them.
OP, that's what family is for. I'm sure they'll understand, especially if you've had it for so long and it's getting worse :/ lean on each other and you'll be ok :)
You won't be bothering them, trust me. I'm sure if the roles were switched you'd want to help them. I know how you feel, but therapy and medication really helps. Hang in there, OP. If you need someone to talk to you can always message me. :)
You want help, but you don't want to be a bother to family and friends. Its a really horrible feeling. I'm just starting to shake it myself. My anxiety is at the point where I can't even have a proper argument with my boyfriend without breaking down. I'm finally realizing I can't live like that anymore and am looking into counselling. I'm sure your family loves you very much and will be willing to help and support you in any way they can. It's not easy to shake the feelings of guilt and feeling like a bother, but reaching out is better than facing it alone. Good luck, OP. You can do it.
If they helped you before they'll be more then willing to help you again. I'm sure they would rather you come to them for help then have you suffer.
No excuses. Get. Help.
I can relate to you, I have really bad anxiety and had to quit my job as a retail associate, I give you props for handling your anxiety that well. There are programs you can search depending on where you live they should be able to help low income people. good luck! I hope you can at least confide in a friend
What the **** getting help should not depend on if you can afford it, thats so ****** up, the american system is so stupid
Hey OP. I understand, I also deal with anxiety and have since childhood, I'm guessing you had Selective Mutism as a child? So did I. And after years of therapy and meds, I still have trouble time to time. But it can get better, trust me. You just need to step up and be confident enough to help yourself. If you can't afford therapy or meds, try going online and reading up on sites for coping with anxiety. There's tons of websites for it, since it's so common. Also, I agree with the others; don't hesitate to go to your family for help. No one can fight all their battles alone, and there's no shame in that. Keep your head up :)
Don't worry at all about bothering them. I have anxiety too and it's not something my family takes lightly. You seem like a sweet person and I'm sure they would be happy to help you out
I have anxiety too and if your anxiety is that bad and you can't afford the medication then you really should turn to your family. It's not a bad thing. The sooner you can get the anxiety under control, the sooner you can live a life without the attacks of fear or confusion or numbness that anxiety causes. And I'm sorry about your grandfather and I really hope your mother is okay now. My grandfather was actually recently diagnosed with cancer too. The doctors say he may not be able to fight it off.... I'm sad about that. But point is, support from your family to get the anxiety under control is okay. Good luck!
As many others have commented, your family wouldn't consider helping as bothersome. But also consider a little help from family now can be an investment for the future. If you can get back to feeling fully functional, you can move forward in your current job, you can look into financial aid to continue your education, or you can look for a better job at your current skill level. All of these roads lead to a more self-sufficient version of you. Eventually you will get to the point where you can afford your own treatment, and maybe even become a person that can help family members out of their own tough spots. Accepting a little help now will ensure you can pay it back (or pay it forward) later.
You will bother them anyway. Either now, when you just need help with therapy/medication, or later, when you lose your job due to anxiety and need money for living AND medications. Better go seek help now. After all, if someone from your family needed help, would you see it as only bothering you? Or would you like to help?
Hey. I know EXACTLY where you are coming from OP. Like to the point where you and I could be in the exact same situation and have the exact same reaction. I've been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (basically Autism that only screws up your social skills), Depression, and Anxiety. The Autism and anxiety often play nicely together to my detriment…whenever I get into a social situation with like a stranger, I completely shut down; or if I'm in a new area…same thing: shut down. I've often expressed to people I want to get a job to help me deal with my anxiety and Asperger's better, essentially increase my tolerance of social activity and new situations/environments. I'm 29, and I can tell you from personal experience…all of this is a DAILY and sometimes HOURLY battle that I feel like o barely come out on top in every time. It hurts to even try and juggle all of these things going on in your life…and as you said things were going great for the first few months until life came along and added more to your burden. Now, you've lost that balance you struck and are basically going crazy with stress and anxiety trying to manage it all. On another note……I live in Rockville, Maryland; so, DC isn't too far away from me, if you want someone nearby to talk to :)
My anxiety is part of the reason I'm on disability.(One of a laundry list in my case) You might want to file if it's preventing you from working. If nothing else you may be able to get medication covered. Ativan is my saviour when panic hits hard, I never leave the house without it.
#9 there are clinic that will see you based on a sliding scale. You tell then how much you make how much you pay in bilks and they determine how much you can afford. Which may be 0. Definitely check into it. Most definitely worth it.
Sorry, but social anxiety isn't something you can just "get over." It's a mental illness. I realize that there is a stigma against mental illnesses, that some people don't believe they actually exist, but trust me, they do. And they are a bitch to live with. I can't just "get over" an illness. That's like telling someone who is ill, "Have you tried not having the flu?" It just doesn't work.
As a fellow anxiety sufferer, I feel your pain! I really hope you get the support and treatment you need ❤️
Know the exact way you feel, I'm a cashier as well and I also have very bad social anxiety, first few months of working here I didn't talk to anyone not even my co-workers
Hehe I was the 666 like

OP, that's what family is for. I'm sure they'll understand, especially if you've had it for so long and it's getting worse :/ lean on each other and you'll be ok :)
I think it's time to seek medical help. If you are panicking from people approaching you, you might want to see about getting an anti-anxiety medicine on board.