By inconnue - 18/03/2013 22:34 - France - Lyon

Today, it was my first time with my boyfriend, at his house, in his Dora the Explorer sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 62

Top comments

Who doesn't love Dora? She taught me Spanish!

Don't you get it? He wants you to explore & find 'it'. Be adventurous ;)


-13, it can't be worse than your commentary on her post.

oj101 33

I sometimes sleep in the guest room - and the bedsheets is pink floral/patchwork which are old hand me downs from when my sister was younger. They may feminine but they are comfy as hell, smell really nice and feel really crisp. Perhaps your boyfriend just likes comfy, familiar sheets, or cannot afford to buy new ones.

Are you sure they were actually his? His could have been in the wash or something and he just put those on because they were clean. I've done it before with Barbie sheets.

So? Wouldn't it be fun to explore under those sheets?

We're going on a treasure hunt, we're going to find some treasure. Which way should we go? 1. Down the dark cave, 2. To the enchanted forest, or 3. Down the road that lead to the back door? Which one did you choose? Yes I like that one too. OK I have officially watched to much Dora.

Maybe you were expecting Superman sheets?

Well hey, you were exploring things, and Dora is queen bitch at exploring. I don't see why you're so upset.

slickchrome 11

I'm not so sure Dora is the queen at exploring. She always ask for my help when the ******* banana tree is right behind her!!!

TheCutestLizard 28

Is he trying to learn Spanish?

Not a deal breaker if you hear him say, "Yum yum yum yum yum deliciosa!"