By inconnue - 18/03/2013 22:34 - France - Lyon

Today, it was my first time with my boyfriend, at his house, in his Dora the Explorer sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 62

Top comments

Who doesn't love Dora? She taught me Spanish!

Don't you get it? He wants you to explore & find 'it'. Be adventurous ;)


DMAC12 5

Hey as long as he doesn't need a map you're good

I hardly think the sheets matter.. I do it on pokemon sheets all the time, never had any complaints

I know you can't plan these things, but they're just Dora sheets. Romance asociated with material things is your own problem.

Knightchaser27 25

At least the sheets were clean

So we hope. Unless if ops bf rely does have a thing for Dora. Then they might not be so clean.

Indeed, sheets are just sheets. I am 21 and still sleep on my Lion King pillowcase from time to time.

Sheets are sheets? I used to watch Dora and then I stopped. I hardly watch Nick anymore. The only show I watch on Nick is Spongebob.

Samster2000 9

Well at least they weren't My Little Pony sheets