By inconnue - 18/03/2013 22:34 - France - Lyon

Today, it was my first time with my boyfriend, at his house, in his Dora the Explorer sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 62

Top comments

Who doesn't love Dora? She taught me Spanish!

Don't you get it? He wants you to explore & find 'it'. Be adventurous ;)


Did you ask map where to go? Or you could have gotten backpack for some "useful toys" ;)

Nonsense, sheets are just sheets! I have plenty of sheets that are still usable but can be considered childish: teddybear, pokemon, Mickey Mouse, etc. And I actually like them!

skyeyez9 24

Maybe they were on the clearance rack and the only sheets he could afford at the time. I paid $80 for bedsheets for my queen sized mattress. Its ridiculous. A decent set is expensive. I saw some that were $400

At least he doesn't have a talking backpack, that'd be awkward.

#2, I thought you did just fine. Those giving you shit have been zombie-hexed and will soon be leaving pieces of their anatomies behind as they stumble through the remainder of their un-lives.

Some people are superstitious and look for signs; however, YOU don't need to be with one that clear!

I really don't get why people make such a fuss about such things. My boyfriend has clowns on his bed sheets and you know what? It sleeps just the same as his boring bed sheets. Get over it, OP.