By inconnue - 18/03/2013 22:34 - France - Lyon

Today, it was my first time with my boyfriend, at his house, in his Dora the Explorer sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 62

Top comments

Who doesn't love Dora? She taught me Spanish!

Don't you get it? He wants you to explore & find 'it'. Be adventurous ;)


superdom 12

I have a titanic poster in my room on my wall don't be so quick to judge

I don't see how that's relevant. Titanic is an age-old movie that's definitely for a more mature audience than Dora the Explorer.

slickchrome 11

I have sponge bob sheets and tell girls I'm going to go barnacles on their crusty crab

Some people can't afford to get new sheets its really not that big of a deal

YourEvilHero 12
catanita 18

Maybe it was his little sister's bed.

i think the proper question is, "Where are we coming?" ;)

Doesn't sound like it stopped you from having fun.

hiandrews69 29

Personally, I would have preferred Star Wars bed sheets.