By S3R1AL K1LL3R X - 19/10/2010 04:21 - United States

Today, in my college class, our teacher asked us what we wanted to do when we get out of college. I guess being a U.S. Marine gets you a lecture for the whole class to hear that I'm a war hungry pig, and should get a real job that requires a brain. My job field is Aircraft repair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 395
You deserved it 4 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, Being a U.S. Marine is an actual job! So to all of you who don't think it is shove it up your ass you deserve to be shot in the face! Those men and women sacrifice they're lives so you can be free and live happy safe lives with your families correct? YES THAT IS CORRECT. SO TO EVERYONE WHO BOO'S OR DISRESPECTS A MILITARY MAN OR WOMEN THEN **** YOU, SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS AND KEEP YOUR WORTHLESS OPINION TO YOURSELVES! AND TO THE MARINE: THANK YOU FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY. Thank you for keeping me and my family safe. I hope you stay safe and stay well! Enjoy your job on aircrafts.... My husband is a marine, so I understand the difficutlies of ASSHOLES who think you all sit on your asses when you don't! and telly our college teacher to grow a pair and shut the **** up!!!

I guess he doesn't know where we would be without our Army


that's still part if the army. it's still a bad thing

ashleelyn86 0

What is still part of the army??? The Marines are part of the NAVY

that dick head has no clue what war is or what it takes to make it home **** him he should be kicked in the balls

I'm a Marine in the area of data networking and all I can say is **** them. do what u wanna do, and for the record I'm a lover not a fighter.

i dont think everyone hates america. at least not EVERY government in the world.

hashoahxxx 0

there Is nothing wrong with being a marine they are a proud few who I have always admired.

AG_Lining 0

Nathan...your tax dollars fund war. So how many degrees of separation do you want to take it?

I think you're all missing the point... the teacher said he needed a job that requires a brain. Repairing aircrafts requires quite a bit of education in engineering. If he gets one thing wrong on one of those aircrafts, he could screw up a mission or worse.

AG_Lining 0

111 - No, the Marines is not part of the Army. You don't even know your terminology and what's connected to what. I gave my health for your freedom of speech, but can I ask that you at least educate yourself?