By fwebles - 26/01/2010 09:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up and went to go have a shower. The trouble is, my bedroom door is broken and will no longer open. My mother's idea of helping was pushing a note under the door saying she'll be back in a couple of hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 432
You deserved it 2 542

fwebles tells us more.

Bonjour, I am the person who wrote this FML and I thought I would clarify for you guys. The door broke overnight. I went to turn the handle but the mechanism is broken so it didn't move the little metal bit out of the wall (technical terms eh? :P). The hinges were on the other side of the door, and I didn't have anything with which to unscrew them anyway. I resorted to escaping through my window and climbing off my roof. :)

Top comments

Jesus Christ, just because the doorknob was broken it doesn't mean the whole damn door needed to be replaced. As said above, OP resolved the issue by taking a header out the window (OK, not exactly) and then they're not making mom or dad foot the bill for an entirely new door and doorknob when only the doorknob needs to be replaced and can be purchased for $10 at the local Home Depot. Talk about overkill.


I wonder what happens the FIFTH thing in the morning when you have to use the bathroom...

perhaps I need a bit more coffee this morning, but I'm sure I put FIRST instead of FIFTH or EIGHTH. Either way, not really caring all that much.

I like to think I saved your skin like that. Sterilising you on the other FML was punishment enough, so I decided to go easy on you here.

Fair enough... (under his breath) stupid mod, kicking me in the nuts. I oughta buy some fabric softener so our clothing will feel all smooth and soft.

haha that happened to me once. play a game. how bout candy land? or scrabble?

greenltrn2003 0

did you just find that out or something...if not why would you close your door then? im a bit confused

greenltrn2003 0 against callin fml post fake so i'll just call the OP a ******* idiot

missey_jey 0

lol i was thinking that except when the mom couldnt open the door she just figured it was locked or something.... then was just like ok she just wants her privacy and wrote the note and left or something but op that sucks! but unless your mom did it on purpose im guessing she felt really bad when she got home

yeah why would he shut the door and also if it it wont open how did he get in there

PottentialFML 0

Actually a better idea is taking the screen off your window and crawling out. If you have a window

true, but it's much more fun trying to break down your own door and possibly breaking some of your own body parts in the process. The "two birds with one stone" concept.

BadPinkKitty07 0

Ah, those pesky little door gremlins. Breaking doors, closing doors, forging a note by your mom and pushing it under a door...

OP this is what you do get a camra and point it at the the door. Document every fail attempt to open/ break the door open. then youtube it :D take *1 - a fly kick that left you on the floor take*2 - a head ram to the door take*3 - throwing large objects at the door take*4 - pissong on the door and apologizing about abuse :D

Here's an idea: instead of writing about this online, grab your phone and call for help!