Deep fried eggs

By Anonymous - 09/07/2022 18:00

Today, after I broke up with my boyfriend about two weeks ago, I didn't think much of it since we haven't spoken, I went out on a date last night with an old friend, came back home and went to sleep… When I got up for work, I went out to my car to find someone had egged it. It still won't come off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 861
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was un-eggs-spected. These stains are eggs-tremely eggs-asperating to eggs-tract. If you don't like my yolks, get ova yourself!

I wonder if the ex boyfriend was named Bumen, Al Bumen? Pretty hard boiled to egg her on. I guess the breakup didn't go over easy and left him shell-shocked.


That was un-eggs-spected. These stains are eggs-tremely eggs-asperating to eggs-tract. If you don't like my yolks, get ova yourself!

I wonder if the ex boyfriend was named Bumen, Al Bumen? Pretty hard boiled to egg her on. I guess the breakup didn't go over easy and left him shell-shocked.