By badhairday - 21/02/2018 01:30

Today, I went to the salon to get my extremely curly hair cut for the first time in years. Apparently, "just trim the dead ends" and "give me an afro" mean the same thing to a barber. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 047
You deserved it 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes more of your hair is dead than you think, and a lot needs to be cut in order to let it grow healthily. Even if it's shorter than you'd wanted, at least it's not stuck that way forever. :)

lukesick1 12

Yeah I had a barber who said they'd ask me about something important later and we didn't say one word till AFTER she finished.


Sometimes more of your hair is dead than you think, and a lot needs to be cut in order to let it grow healthily. Even if it's shorter than you'd wanted, at least it's not stuck that way forever. :)

Darkshadus1 2

My father was a barber and technically anything beyond the actual hair folicle is "dead" anyway, because the hair doesn't grow itself it grows from the folicle

AzrielB 8

all of your hair is dead and cutting hair to make it grow longer is a myth

As a fellow curly haired, ALWAYS get recommendations!! I've been with the same hairdresser for 12.5 years now. It also could be that more hair was damaged than you thought. It'll grow back, OP!

For future sake, getting a trim once/twice a year will prevent a surprisingly short haircut.

lukesick1 12

Yeah I had a barber who said they'd ask me about something important later and we didn't say one word till AFTER she finished.

Luckily, they’re coming back into style. It’s not like he gave you a mullet!

Lobby_Bee 17
Österreich 7

The real question is, are you black?

Mungolikecandy 19

All hair is dead as soon as is it leaves the follicle. Be glad he did not shave your head.

At least the afro can be converted to something else, like shaved sides and curly top or the Vanilla Ice haircut. Unfortunately, it can also be converted to a mushroom haircut.

AdeenCuffing 12

Dead ends is literally anything after 2 inches off your scalp. Trim the SPLIT ends is what you were trying to asking for.