By Nora - 12/11/2015 21:21 - United States - Fargo

Today, I went to the doctor for the second time, because I've had a cough for about six weeks. In my first appointment, the nurse said it was just allergies and condescendingly gave me a brochure with a recipe for salt water. Turns out it's pneumonia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 065
You deserved it 1 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she not listen to your lungs at your last appointment? lung sounds are definitely useful clues.

I had the exact same thing happen to me!! I sat there, hacking up a lung with a 102 fever while they told me it was "just allergies". Yep, pneumonia. That was 5 years ago and it still makes me so mad!


Your doctor may be an asshole, OP, but keep in mind they probably get a lot of patients that overreact over simple problems

Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that they gave you a recipe for salt water? cuz it's real hard to make you know... lol

That happened to me too over the summer! I went in three times and they said I was over reacting and then I went to the hospital and they had to X-ray my chest and I had pneumonia and bronchitis.

A few months ago my mom took me into the hospital because my head hurt so bad that I was uncontrollably vomitting. They told her it was just a migraine and not to worry. 2 days later I was in a coma with a severe brain infection lol

It may not have been pneumonia at the time you went to begin with. Pneumonia often develops as a result of other illnesses, at least that's what I was told. I've had it twice due to a bad cold combining with allergies.

Omg the same thing happened to me!!! No lie! I've been coughing since July and they kept saying it was 'asthma or allergies' I went to a different Doctor last month and she said I had walking pneumonia. I feel for you.

Something similar happened to my mom. 4 hospital visits and several trips to her PCP and the most she got was cough syrup. They didn't do a culture until she started coughing blood. Turned out she had a pretty serious case of gram negative pneumonia and it took her most of a year to recover. US hospitals are mostly concerned with getting you back on the street, where it's someone else's problem. And to those blaming the nurse, well, she was probably a shit-head, but it's not like she made the diagnosis, they have doctors for that. The worst she could have done was go up to the doc and say "Yeah, she's got a cough, want to discharge her?" (likely) and the MD says "Yeah, I'm busy" (very likely).

How does one require a recipe for salt water? There are only 2 ingredients...

Similar thing happened to me, only they thought I had mono the first time I went in.

I hope you felt alright soon after and that quack lost her job.