By Anonymous - 07/07/2014 01:27 - United States - Gournay-sur-marne

Today, I went to see the school counselor to schedule my classes for school. She asked me if I knew how to speak English. My parents are Chinese and I don't even know how to speak Chinese. I've lived in America my whole life. Plus, I even spoke to her in English to ask about classes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 000
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments


maybe your just oversensitive and she is required to.ask.

acerredrum 23

If she is required to ask then that shows there is an issue all the way up in administration. A far easier, and less offensive way than looking at someones skin tone, is to ask, "Hello, how are you doing today?" and if they answer in a language other than English it is safe to assume they do not speak English.

Plus it sounds kind of racist that she would be required to only ask Asians if they can speak English.

Epickitty58 29

Even if she's required to ask students if they can speak English, she can do it in a nicer manner and actually pay attention to the student. If they have spoken to her with no communication problems or have spoken in a language that is obviously not English, then I think that student knows how to speak English. Either way, it's still pretty racist, but the one way it could be worse is if she lengthened her words to help you understand what she is saying. That right there is the definition of a racist bitch.

Or just say, "we have to fill out a demographic form. What languages do you speak?"

Knightchaser27 25

Doesn't she have access to OP's academic record,if she went to school in America she probably had to take an English class at some point

In my district, in each student's permanent file, is listed the primary languages parents speak at home as well as each student's level of English proficiency (even if English is listed as the primary home language). Most schools and districts have this kind of data readily available on each student and a guidance counselor would definitely have access to these kind of test scores and information. Unless he or she misread or misunderstood something, I can't imagine why the guidance counselor would even need to ask that, excepting, of course, being an ignorant asshole.

Hello? Were you even listening to me? Oh you said something ? Sorry, I don't speak Chinese.

Was she looking at a list and not paying attention to you? It could be a stupid required question. But otherwise, snark time. Bust out the advanced vocabulary as you inform her of your linguistic capabilities.

Smh! Some people though are totally in a bubble of their own with all their misconceptions.

Wave your hands around and ask her if she speaks english

Sometimes i feel ashamed to live in this planet. Smh

Does really surprise me. Because mostly everyone especially YouTube commenters are ignorant. I feel your pain tho. Stay strong.

Just answer the question all questions should be cleared just hope they don't put you in ESL classes if you are going into college

speak Spanish or German to her and really confuse her..