By StephLo - 18/08/2014 21:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was waiting at a stop light in the left turn lane, when a homeless guy on the sidewalk walked up to my car with a, "Bet you can't hit me with a quarter" sign. The lady on my right decided to throw a quarter at him, but it missed and hit my windshield. She yelled, "Oh fuck!" and drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 942
You deserved it 3 053

StephLo_fml tells us more.

No windshield damage that I could see, just sort of startling that she would throw a coin two lanes away during heavy traffic -___-

Top comments

If you are sadistic enough OP, you could find the lady and have her drawn and quartered.

By the sounds of it, it seems like she damaged your windshield. I hope that's not the case though. But I have to admit that is a clever sign, I now know what to do if I ever become homeless.


No windshield damage that I could see, just sort of startling that she would throw a coin two lanes away during heavy traffic -___-

She reacted without thinking, putting you in the middle of it, and ran away to boot? She can be lucky you didn't chase after her OP, regardless of the level of damage / non-damage!

And this among other reasons is why I keep blunt objects in my car.. :)

At least it didn't break your windshield.

If your windshield is fine i would fine this situation funny which I do anyways

lmao that made me laugh so hard! sorry op

the homeless man was right. she cant hit him with a quarter

People do this in the US?? That is disgusting! That could be any of us there on the street

Though I wouldn't participate in it, he was asking for money in a creative way. I don't think this being based in the U.S has anything to do with it, other than the type of money he was asking for.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Hey I've heard about this guy, I think he's in Philadelphia.

Unless the quarter cracked your windshield, I don't see a problem here.