By mudafkrmas - 18/09/2009 04:14 - Canada

Today, I was trying to look cute in front of this really nice guy. I sure hope he thinks smacking into a pole, rebounding backwards and knocking over an old man is cute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 613
You deserved it 33 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If there's a girl who can drop their keys into puddles by simply trying to unlock a door and still ends up with the guy that millions of girls dream over... I'm sure you have a small chance.

tyhillman 0

I have no clue what you are talking about, bu personally as a guy, I find knocking over the elderly very attractive lol. So yes, she has a chance.


Nope, he probably doesn't. But don't worry about it. He probably didn't even notice you exist.

I just got so hot with the image you painted for me... But I doubt you should be too worried about it. From my experience guys like flakey girls

Actually, guys find it very attractive that you get nervous and clumsy in their presence. We like it that when you think about us, your coordination and motor skills fail. Of course, we not going to let you perform tricky oral-scrotal maneuvers (manoeuveres) on us.

Lots of 'em. And when you learn to keep your head when we're together, we can talk teabagging! ;)

Well that was effective! God damn, why can't I do that in real life and have it work? I wish I could run face first into something and then say, "Hey, want to take me out and treat me like a respectable human being?" Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Also, I'm debating whether or not I would still act clumsy to avoid teabagging or act normal to earn it...

I suppose you can't trip onto your bosses exposed penis by plexi's logic, toxi.

Hahaha. My boss is a chick. A chick my mom's age. =/ I still think I could pull that off. Either that, or the tripping onto someone's wallet thing.

I keep my wallet in my front pocket. You could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Nice to know. Now, not only can I move next door and stalk you, I can take your wallet. Not that I would. The "two birds with one stone" thing sounds much more effective. I could steal from your wallet once what I could easily get you to willingly give me weekly. :)

JonKolbe 0

I think that's funny. you'd get my attention. what i think would depend on how you responded after that.

If you knowingly try to act cute, it means you think or know you're not. If you're ugly and making a fool of yourself, every guy will be all over that.

bugmenotmofo 34

being able to hit a poles face first and being able to knocking over old people are the one of the key things I look for in women :D

justmyluck1212 0

lol, finally an FML that actually made me laugh

waterynuggets 0