By KittenNomNom - 22/02/2012 19:40 - United States

Today, I was sitting at the mall food court, and wearing a "Blink If You Want Me" shirt. A guy walked by, saw my shirt, and made a point of holding a staring contest with me before moving on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 033
You deserved it 41 448

KittenNomNom_fml tells us more.

Ahahah everyone, the shirt was a joke. I wasn't really offended, we ended up becoming friends afterwards. A lot of you are right, he has a great sense of humor and he was just teasing. It didn't kill my self esteem or anything of that sort, I just thought it might give someone a laugh (: Thanks for all the comments and such~

Top comments


WaylonD 4

I keep picturing the "hungry eyes" guy from the m&ms commercial.

At least it wasnt Michael .J. Fox cause then you wouldn't know if he was blinking at you or if his parkasins was acting up......js....

Loooooool it's 9:27am I'm at work and this fml made my day...!

cubbi54 6

*facepalm* If you dont know what shes talking about, why say "what ever you say"?