By divorced - 07/03/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, I was picking up my daughter from my ex-husband's house and his new girlfriend was there. I said to my daughter that it was time to leave and she clung to his girlfriend and said, "Mommy, I don't want to leave." She wasn't talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 151 087
You deserved it 10 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can probably blame your ex-husband for that

that's horrible!! i feel so bad for you. hope things work out


#25 you're an ass. It's not that fact that the daughter called her mommy, since she's probably little and doesn't really know better. It's the fact that the daughter was clinging to the new girlfriend and saying she didn't want to go with her WHILE calling the new girlfriend "Mommy". Anyway, this one broke my heart, but she sounds like she's little so don't worry she probably won't remember it later. Daddy's new girlfriends will come and go, you are her mother forever and always. As long as you spend time with her and treat her well, she'll always acknowledge that. No one can love her like you. No other woman can take your place.

pamishootia 0

it happened to me too! =) not exactly the same but still. when i was little i was left with my godmother and when my mother came i did exactly the same. young children have very short memorry that's the problem. and i as the one who forgot who MY mother is can assure you that there's nothing to worry about=) it doesn't mean that your child likes/loves that woman more than he/she does you.

I'm sorry. people are replying meanly sometimes.... my parents got divorced and we have a new gf in the family dynamic.... but my other parent lives across the world so it's not so bad... it's not that i love the new gf more or anything i adore my dad, he's blood. but he's not around so he's less a part of my life on a day to day basis. i love him as much as ever and your daughter still loves you. don't worry about it. I used to call my nanny in nigeria mama matilda. and in many african cultures a older women are all referred to as mama and sister and aunty.... it's just a thing little kids do some places.... it's natural... so no worries.

Don't worry about her comment, children don't know whats good for them. I'll bet everything I own that you're a better parent than she would be, so don't worry about it. Keep being a good parent and don't let this incident make you think that you need to be nicer or less harsh when it comes to punishment. Keep being a good parent and she'll be better off.

i would feel so horrible if that ever happened to me

I would have asked to speak to my ex privately immediately & would then commence to set up boundaries about who is in fact his daughters mother. That kind of bs is not ok. You don't deserve to suffer through that.

Agreed with #11. :( But honestly, you should talk with your ex. He most likely started putting those thoughts in her head, what to call her and such.

macederrick 0


25 - Obviously you've never been a parent and I rather hope you never become one. It's not a matter of whether the kid likes the OP or the ex's girlfriend more, it's about who the actual mother is. A mother is a mother whether the kid likes it or not. Don't be cruel, and don't jump to idiotic conclusions because that's how divorced women are often portrayed on TV.

Fail. The actual parents are the ones taking care of the child. Humans are not your propriety because you share a part of your genetic pool with them. If you suck too much at parenting, the kids will be taken away and placed with decent parents.