By Anonymous - 24/05/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I was lying on the couch with my boyfriend and was feeling tired, so I got a soda. I sat back down and surprised him with a passionate kiss. I also surprised him when I suddenly burped right into his mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 184
You deserved it 47 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hardly worth getting upset over; that's one of the little moments you'll come to cherish in a relationship. I wish I had a girl to burp in my mouth. That ... didn't ... come out right ....


Hahaha! I love humor in relationships. Sometimes I happen to burp in is face just because I feel for it. He does the same thing. I bet he just laughed at you ;D

hir23 0
thelonelylurker 0
funkycloud7137 0

My gf did something similar to me once, i though it was hilarious. Don't see why thats an fml but i'll go with it if he is a jerk or something.

lLmao #12, new experience though and I hope he didn't get mad over it.

suaveneanderthal 0

really #8? if he likes you i'm sure he didn't care? i love my girlfriend of one year to death but if she burped in my mouth i wouldn't be thrilled. Of course it wouldn't be a big deal or anything like that but damn you can't tell me it wouldn't freak you out right when it happened... unless of course you're into that kind of thing.

alex_vik 0

You burped from one soda? It usually takes me at least five or six. And what does soda have anything to do with being tired?

Kitty34_fml 0

No FML here. My boyfriend does that to me all the time as a joke. It's not particularly fun, but it's not an FML.

speedydrumstix 0

haha that happens with me and my gf and vice versa often.