By JordLostItagain3 - 21/09/2016 07:17 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I left my wallet on the train again. You'd think I'd be extra careful after losing it once. That's 3 times this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 030
You deserved it 15 244

JordLostItagain3 tells us more.

Hey guys op here! Still no sign of the wallet, had no cash in it fortunately but replacing the cards is a hassle. First time i lost it, some old lady handed it into the bank. One of the train cleaners gave me a call after i lost the second one. Hoping 3rd times the charm? I'm a 20 year old uni student and it takes me about 2hrs to get to and from uni. Basically i live on trains. I've never lost my wallet prior to this year though! Some of you might be saying how could you lose it again!? Well, i think i was too preoccupied trying to text this girl i really like... until it dawned on me when i changed platforms. The sudden realisation as you furiously check your bag is the worst. Looks like i'm investing in a chain wallet from now on:) I'll let you all know if it magically appears(hopefully). If you guys find a black wallet with a bunch of cards give me a heads up! haha

Top comments

FreckledSatan 17

Man I think you should invest in a chain wallet...

Change which pocket you wear it in to the front, or attach a chain. You might have someone targeting your wallet


Change which pocket you wear it in to the front, or attach a chain. You might have someone targeting your wallet

FreckledSatan 17

Man I think you should invest in a chain wallet...

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

Like first and second comment say get a chain wallet. Or just carry your cash, debit card and license and everything else that's important in your pocket. You will make sure you won't lose them that way.

Or they'll each individually fall out of your pocket. Wallets were invented for a reason.

Why is it this comment taken negatively by so many people. FML commenters are dicks. I'm sure I'll get kicked off for this but **** it!

If you have a cellphone, you could get a special case (hard case, not wallet case) that you can put the cards you really need in the back. It usually fits two.

FML_HelloItsMe 15

Put your wallet in your shirt pocket.nobody can forget it that way.I also have lost my wallet twice.

corky1992 33

Sounds like you need to be more responsible.

I'm assuming by saying you left it, that you're setting it down and forgetting to grab it again. Invest is both a chain and the habit of putting it back in your pocket when you're finished with it. NEVER SET YOUR WALLET DOWN. It's the quickest and easiest way to forget it.

I also went through a phase where I kept losing my wallet. It'll happen enough to where you'll constantly check on your wallets location. Maybe try to always put it in the same pocket and make sure it's pushed to the bottom of it.

M3DO 24

There's a device called trackr bravo, if you put it in your wallet and connect it your phone through Bluetooth and then you can see where your wallet is

But OP knows where his wallet is. It's not not knowing where it is that's his problem, it's leaving it on the train.

I don't know if this is a feature, but they should make it so that if you get more than, say, 30 feet away from your wallet then your phone will scream.