By jules - 17/04/2009 17:05 - United States

Today, I was in the supermarket and I see this little boy trying to reach for something on the top shelf. I go over to him and ask if his mom knows where he is. The boy turns around. He was actually a very angry midget. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 574
You deserved it 57 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see how you could make this mistake. People who suffer from dwarfism tend to have a very characteristic body shape that looks nothing like a child...

lol not to be a spelling Nazi but 115 u just wrote a 5 letter word


maybe you should just mind your own business? shit like that won't happen.

"Today, I was reaching over to get something. Some person asked me if I knew where my mom was, I'm 30. FML" Rofl ;P

#19's got issues la la la la la and easy mistake to make tough luck but lol anyway

permission2laugh 0
anonnomnom 0

lol #19 im glad i got to see what one of the (soon to be) moderated comments looks like 7 WIN

King_of_Kings 3

#4 totally with you on that one!! #13 never in my life have I seen a midget and immediatly have my brain say kid.(And I have seen my fair share of both midgets and kids) Totally different proportions! Come on now!

ellebell 0

maybe the little person was wearing baggy clothes and the poster couldn't tell....