By ...... - 16/05/2012 22:29 - United States

Today, I was in the hospital with rib injuries after being rear-ended by a truck. The doc said, "Well, you'll probably feel like you've been hit by a truck for a while." Everyone laughed, except me. When I said he was being insensitive, he replied, "Calm down, I'm just ribbing you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 485
You deserved it 32 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You're a pansy ass... Take a joke and lighten up douche.

Stormdriven37 6

I cracked a couple of ribs from laughing.

Dude that happened to me 4 weeks ago and I hurt so bad.... I feel your pain... Literally. Except I was hit by a 2005 E-250 full of concrete products.... My truck is still in the shop. :(

It's just a joke. Calm down. Yes, i'm sorry that you got into an accident, but lighten up. Try to look at the positives. At least you lived.

Yay, it'll be my turn to play the worlds smallest violin!

OP is a regular person, not a scientist. Think, man. Growing a pair is impossible with today's current knowledge!

DollyDope 17

I figured out why OP was being such a negative nancy! laughing when you've got broken ribs can be rather excruciating. He was expecting the doctor to understand/ already know this and spare him additional physical pain. Yes? No?