By fartmaster - 22/04/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I was in a tour group going through a cave and our guide stopped, turned off the lights, and told us to be quiet so we could feel absolute silence. I farted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 442
You deserved it 108

Top comments

I would be one of the people struggling not to laugh. That was perfectly timed.


At least no one knew it was you. I would have lol'd if I were there. That is ******* great!

hola1234 0

haha i woulda done the same thing

lol, if it echoed, I would have claimed it

At least no one knew it was you (since the lights were out).

stonerchu 0

How is it that bad if the lights were turned off?!

saxykat 0

can i just say that this made my day? i feel awful for you. your life is not f***ed nor did you deserve it!!

AndelleRae 9

Bahaha. Omfg. This is fantastic. I'd totally effing claim that. "Sorry, but you gotta admit, that was AWESOME." Lmao.