By FML.. - 06/04/2009 19:51 - China

Today, I was going to have sex with my Hispanic boyfriend. I wanted to turn him on, so I asked my friend how to say "fuck me" in Spanish. She claimed it was 'pollo frito'. I then had sex, constantly screaming 'pollo frito' for an hour. I later realized I was screaming "fried chicken." FML
I agree, your life sucks 705
You deserved it 483

Top comments

Wow, I almost read this very wrong. I missed the "I asked my friend..." part and thought your Hispanic boyfriend was a "she"...


Maybe OP's boyfriend thought she was just kinky, or hungry. I wonder if she is a "large" girl. That would make it even funnier.

abzy365 0

rofl nice. NEVER ask your friends these questions- look it up online.

banerkblue 0

YDI for not knowing common Spanish words. But you're from China, so.

ladedum 0

#104: thanks. you took the words right out of my mouth. however, id like to say it myself. no, #97, YOU FAIL. learn to read english properly before commenting on the subject of another language.

hahahaha. you didn't know "pollo" was chicken?

Stork 0

I am not from China... Full blooded American. Thanks for the rants, much more thanks for the compliments. My friend was getting back at me by the way... She speaks fluent Spanish and English...