By FML.. - 06/04/2009 19:51 - China

Today, I was going to have sex with my Hispanic boyfriend. I wanted to turn him on, so I asked my friend how to say "fuck me" in Spanish. She claimed it was 'pollo frito'. I then had sex, constantly screaming 'pollo frito' for an hour. I later realized I was screaming "fried chicken." FML
I agree, your life sucks 705
You deserved it 483

Top comments

Wow, I almost read this very wrong. I missed the "I asked my friend..." part and thought your Hispanic boyfriend was a "she"...


unlucky91 0

lmfao at # 12 and it could of been a lot worse then fried chicken but yeahh that still sucks

Ever watch an El Pollo loco commercial?

#37 and 126 ahahaha this FML is one of the best ones i've ever read (: it just made my day !!

wudig10 0

i barely know spanish and i know that '**** me' in spanish is cojame....that's sorta sad

wudig10 0

i barely know spanish and i know that **** me in spanish is cojame.... not in spain

well yeah, kinda... but you put it in the Spanish imperative form. You made it sound like if a king's servant was yelling "Please Your Majesty, **** me!". ahahahahaha "Cógeme" would be better though.

lol The only Spanish I know... is by mimicing the words in songs (I don't understand the words) and even I could tell that 'pollo frito' meant something like 'fried chicken'.

OH mY ****** GoD!!!! hahahahahahahahhahahahahah xDDDD this is seriously the funniest story ive ever read in Wooooowwww!!! That Blowsss!

You just created KFC's next advert. I hope they pay you well!

Ngood7 0

Haha, that's amazing! That said, I hate the negative comments on this site. It's supposed to be FUN, quit picking it apart and ruining it for everyone else. Geeeeeeeez.