By arachnidphobia - 03/01/2010 03:22 - United States

Today, I was fined because my son pushed the alarm button in the elevator. Why? There was a spider in there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 769
You deserved it 3 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

postaltubealex 0

maybe you should write a letter to your congressman about the injustice.

Today, I was minding my own business when this kid tried to hammer me to death. Then ear piercing alarms went off. It's been five hours, I still can't hear. FML


I don't understand how you get a ticket for pressing the alarm button, I'd of taken that to court!

moomoo14 0

I woulda done the same thing spiders are ****** scary

silversonic75 6

It must have been an "alarming" experience for the kid. Makes a little bit of sense doesn't it?

ZielZone 4

ROFL... you raised a sissy... Good job

That makes no sense the alarm just alerts building securty or what ever people mispress it all the time

onlyontuesdaysxD 0

I see you have raised such a brave man.

minamail25 7

I think that is a perfectly good reason to pull the alarm! I hate spider!!!!!