By Anonymous - 26/01/2011 14:41 - United States

Today, I was denied food stamp assistance. Apparently, you need to work 20 hours a week while being a full time student to qualify or have a work study. I was recently suspended from my work study for calling off because my aunt died, and if I worked 20 hours a week, why would I need food stamps? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 141
You deserved it 5 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ejejeje 0

seriously. our economy is backwards. why the **** would you apply for assistance when you don't ******* need it.

SirRager 9

Hooray for health care! This is why I'm moving to Canada.


tinygiraffe 0

I don't understand the people complaining about students whose parents pay for their college education. In my opinion, parents SHOULD pay for their child's education, either by starting a college fund when they're really young or investing in those Metlife programs that gain interest throughout the years. I am a college student struggling to pay my bills, and I know as soon as I get out and have a real job I will start saving for my children's education, even before I have kids. It's the right thing to do - I would never put my child in the situation that I am in right now.

xoxchelaxox08 17

The sad thing is, a lot of parents won't help their children in college. My parents refuse to even give their tax information for financial aid. I believe that it IS a parent's responsibility to help the child that they brought into this shitty would succeed.

Chris19801012 0

******* hate lazy ass people with their hands out. Get a job you bum!!!

the food stamp thing told me the same thing. it's so dumb

I work 40 and still need food stamps! But I dont have a kid, Im not currently in school, and im not a minority

I work 40 hours a week and go to school full time and i have a's and b's. Stop complaining get off fml and look for another job lazy ass.

tootytoot 0

what you do not understand is if this person WAS NOT a student, they would qualify for food stamps! the gov't changed the requirements because of high unemployment, but did not change the requirement of full time students working 20 hrs a week to qualify. I found this out after I lost MY job and applied for food stamps! oops, can't count my son even if he eats over half the food because he's a full time student and not working! what's wrong with this picture????

They must be a lot more strict in NY because I have food stamps and wasn't working 20 hours a week, they told me I'd have to do that work study and they've never called me to set it up. I agree that it's ridiculous about the hours you have to work, I've said the same thing..if I had a job where I was working that much I wouldn't need help paying for food, thanks. Good luck getting help!

"If I worked 20 hours a week why would I need food stamps"... because you get crap pay? While I live in Australia, I've heard of Americans with nearly full-time jobs with such low pay that most of it goes to taxes and they end up with very little to live on (which is why tips are so important in many industries). Fortunately in Australia we have a much better minimum wage.

russianspy1234 11

College I went to had plenty of free food events, might wanna look into that.