Class struggle

By Brokeasajoke - 30/04/2022 14:00

Today, my Food Stamp application was denied because my income is apparently “too high”. I pay $1800 in rent and water, $130 for the phone and internet bill, $400 on credit cards, $150 for electricity, and $120 on car insurance. Nice to know they expect me to eat with $50/month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 829
You deserved it 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can afford $1800 for rent, you're too rich for government hand-outs. 1. Take on a roommate to save on rent. 2. Eat your roommate to save on food expenses. 3. Advertise for a new roommate. 4. Repeat.

Michael Sawyer 11

you have 530$ a month in incidentals (phone/internet and c.c. debt) they don't count those while figuring out benefits


Maybe don’t go to Starbucks or eat avocado toast. Maybe get a 5th job on a loading dock moving guns to Africa or Austria or wherever they need guns. People in Atlanta and Armenia need guns; plenty of money there. **takes off boomer goggles** Why do I have a massive headache?

There are gun runners that only send to geographic locations that begin with the letter A? Now, I understand the sinister meaning of the letters sponsoring Sesame Street!

Michael Sawyer 11

you have 530$ a month in incidentals (phone/internet and c.c. debt) they don't count those while figuring out benefits

wysegirl 24

They don't count rent either. it's gross income which hurts a lot of people who need the help.

If you can afford $1800 for rent, you're too rich for government hand-outs. 1. Take on a roommate to save on rent. 2. Eat your roommate to save on food expenses. 3. Advertise for a new roommate. 4. Repeat.

OP clearly cannot afford $1800 rent given that it leaves them with only $50 for food. Depending on where they live and their personal circumstances, this may be the best they can get, and moving or roommates are almost certainly not an option or they would have done so already.

you could file for bankruptcy if you have too much credit card debt.. and then, cut your credit cards in a half and don't use them. Check out local food banks. Many churches have them

BatCatTaco 13

Could be like me.... My husband and I only qualified for $20 a month.... Not sure how two people are supposed to eat with only $20 for a whole month. It was definitely a slap in the face. Oh, and our combined income is only $1600 a month, which is technically not income because it's VA disability benefits. The whole system is flawed.

wrenavery90 12

Its ridiculous how poor you have to be to collect food stamps. Basically if you're working they deny you.

Get rid of unnecessary things like your cell phone, internet, cable tv, car, Starbucks, etc. and you’ll be able to eat. those are luxury items.

Hopefully they live near a library or some other establishment with public Internet access. Having internet access is increasingly essential these days.