By whattabrat - 26/02/2012 05:16 - Canada

Today, I was babysitting. Everything was going well until the kid called 911 on me for making him eat his vegetables. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 071
You deserved it 3 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Denikk 0

What a little bitch... I hate spoiled kids... -.-


Lucky bastard must've been paid good!!!:P

FYL. My little cousin eats ONLY McDonald's cheeseburgers, pb&j sandwiches, pepperoni pizza, and chocolate. And drinks only Sprite and chocolate milk. -.-

xXMudkipNoobXx 7

Next time that happens, shove the vegetables up his ass

Teach you for torturing that sweet snowflake. Not get in (the unemployment) line.

either moms too stupid or too lazy to teach her child of what is an emergency and what isn't

Go_Away_141998 4

That is something my brother would do. Threaten to sit on him.