By loueb17 - 15/02/2009 05:57 - United States

Today, I was babysitting a 5 year old boy. When I was on the phone with my mom, he called 911 and started to cry. When I got off the phone the police were at the door. It turns out that the "emergency" was that the VCR was not working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 184
You deserved it 9 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she was ignoring the boy and talking on the phone then that's a problem. But if she was just making a quick call and he didn't come to bother her, then there is no big deal. I bet all you chastising her for talking on the phone have never baby-sat a kid a day in your life.

This happened to my cousin. He was babysitting my younger cousin (his brother) who was like, 4 or 5 at the time, and they got in a fight over taking his toy away. He ended up chasing the little brother around the house, who ran into the kitchen, called 911 and yelled 'my brother's being mean to me!' and hung up. Cops came over, it was embarrassing for all. The kid got taught what a *real* emergency was that night.


VCR! WOW, haven't seen that word in forever

Ydi for being so focused about your phone call. The kid called 911, then cried long enough for the police to arrive. All of which you were completely oblivious to. Earn the money you're getting paid!

1098765432 0

Watch him, hate lazy sitters like you

My brother did the same thing but with a missing movie

Actually you can't "guarantee" it's important. You don't know this person's relationship with their mom. All we know is that they were being paid to supervise a young child.

5 years old isn't old enough to be by yourself. Play on your own, certainly, but being left along for any duration past going to the restroom isn't intelligent, especially if it's someone else's child. Why not interact with the child and do an activity instead of being the boring babysitter who checks in occasionally or just watches? Why is it up to a little kid to entertain himself when someone is being paid to watch and interact with him anyway?