By so embarrassed - 05/01/2013 21:56 - United States - South Salem

Today, I was at a restaurant with my boyfriend. He wound up drinking a whole bottle of wine, and when the bill came he drunkenly yelled at the waiter, claiming it should be free, because he's in the military "fighting for your freedom". He's a mechanic in the National Guard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 053
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Considering you have to put up with that kind of embarrassment, I hope they DID give you a free meal.

I think you misread. No one is talking about a free medal. Meal*


Okay a) why wouldn't you be proud to have a boyfriend making a contribution to our country, no matter how minuscule you think his job is, he probably works harder than most do! B) if you don't feel that way, maybe you should consider down grading and he should upgrade... Just a thought

Cougar4242 4

Don't underplay mechanics or the guard. Both play vital roles in our nation. Every tank on our side I maintained by someone, without them. We lose wars. Tankers don't fix their own things.

foxholeathiest 4

I've heard it said that subconscious thoughts are brought out by booze. I don't know if it's true but if so, your boyfriend's an arrogant tosser. I'm sure you can do better.

I honestly can't believe OP said "" for your freedom" he's a mechanic in the National Guard" I don't care how dumb anyone acts while intoxicated, RESPECT those that serve! To all y'all on here that have, currently & will be serving God Bless you! OP: You're the rude one in my book!

I think for a decent part of the army it goes to their heads. Example: this guy I know in the army didn`t sign the birth cirtificate of his daughter because she has alot of medical problems and he didn`t want to be responsible to pay and even after it was DNA test proven that she is his... the army didn`t do anything (they did the DNA test). The other guy I know who is a sniper for the Army happens to also be the father to my son who he has NOTHING to do with because when he comes home he is too busy sleeping with anyone who will open their legs for him simply because he is in the Army and he makes sure everyone knows it. I`m not dissing everyone in the Army, but I do think it goes to peoples heads... such as in ops post...

Yes, it happened to someone I know as well, the first 'soldier' she married was a serial cheat and a wife beater and the one she married afterwards turned out to be a paedophile. After that I don't think I would ever trust soldiers.

No, I think there are a few bad seeds that people assume is a representative as a whole.

My husband is amazing, doesn't cheat, is great with his kids and provides for his family. So maybe people should find better qualities in men and quit spreading their legs for losers and then complaining they didn't turn into Mr. Right. You may not disrespect the entire military or branch because of your bad choices. Of course there are assholes in the military, but there are assholes at Walmart too..

The father to my son isnt even on his birth cirtificate because he "isnt ready to be a dad" I was 19 at the time of my sons birth and he was 21... my son is now 3 and he has nevered laied eyes on him...

I'm in the same position! (Different branch) Doesn't stop me from supporting the military (grew up a military brat) but I do understand where your coming from! It almost sounds like its the same guy lol