By so embarrassed - 05/01/2013 21:56 - United States - South Salem

Today, I was at a restaurant with my boyfriend. He wound up drinking a whole bottle of wine, and when the bill came he drunkenly yelled at the waiter, claiming it should be free, because he's in the military "fighting for your freedom". He's a mechanic in the National Guard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 053
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Considering you have to put up with that kind of embarrassment, I hope they DID give you a free meal.

I think you misread. No one is talking about a free medal. Meal*


LebronJames23 5

Who gets that drunk off one bottle of wine?

Yea, unfortunately there's a lot of those out there

Well, your boyfriend is an idiot for becoming obnoxiously drunk in public. But just because he's national guard doesn't make him lesser than active duty. If it weren't for NG, active duty would have to deploy quite a bit more. And don't knock that he's a mechanic, they play a vital role; especially overseas. I learned quickly to become friends with the ones in my unit.

Tell him to suck it up, some of us spend every single day fighting for his freedom. not just once in a blue moon like his sour ass. if he joined cause he was entitled to things he sure needs to get out in a hurry, that's not the kind of child I want fixing my trucks when I leave for combat

Are you implying that active duty members don't get drunk and act obnoxious in public from time to time? Tsk tsk.. We all know better. You appear as ignorant has the OPs boyfriend.

Your boyfriend is a moron. Weekend Warriors ain't nothin.

nothing worse than those wannabe part timers that think they are entitled to such perks when in reality they're milking Uncle Sams tit.

this reminds me of That 70s Show because Bob was national guard but thought he was in the army

NickPaulson 6

That's more than most people are doing