By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 04:38 - France

Today, I took part in a raffle that was being organised in the small countryside village where I'm vacationing. I live in big city. I won a duck. A real, live duck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 67

Top comments

Have you not watched Friends? You'll be fine, just buy a baby chick so it has a friend.

hey, some people didn't even get a duck. be thankful :p


You can potty train a duck. They are actually really loving and caring pets. They have great personalities. I think your new feathered friend will surprise you.

Are you kidding? Having a duck is one of the most awesome at things in the world!

lucyroxmasox 4

I don't see the problem here :)

derp_turtle13 11

I see no problem with this.

Do you know what grilled duck tastes like?

Like awesome. Mmmmm I love me some duck breast with crispy skin. <3