By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 04:38 - France

Today, I took part in a raffle that was being organised in the small countryside village where I'm vacationing. I live in big city. I won a duck. A real, live duck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 67

Top comments

Have you not watched Friends? You'll be fine, just buy a baby chick so it has a friend.

hey, some people didn't even get a duck. be thankful :p


I would love a pet duck! I would name him Pickles

I have raised 4 ducks in my own home/garden and I love my ducks! They were 2 days old when I got them now there a year old and I love them :)

adnama1202 3

this sounds like the opposite of a problem

They probably intend for you to kill and eat it, not keep it as a pet.

Lolgrrl 20

F the ducks life. I feel bad for the duck.... Ducks do poorly as "pets" in towns especially cities. It's no life to be stuck in a bathtub or small place since they can't be "potty trained". They are nothing like caring for a domesticated animal. :( -Proud duck owner & exhibitor :D