By good husband - 30/04/2013 16:03 - Canada

Today, I took my wife's cat to the vet for her yearly check up. I'm finishing the day at the hospital with multiple bite wounds and a deep gash in my leg. My wife chose to comfort her cat instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 841
You deserved it 4 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For ****'s sake, people! How many trite, overused goddamned pussy jokes are you people going to make? New material! NOW!

Well sounds like you're not getting or playing with any pussy tonight...


So your wife comforted the cat. Get used to it. I'm surprised that she never told you off for scaring her cat. Don't you know that you are a very long way down her priority list, it goes something like this: Your daughter. Your son. Sons girlfriend. Daughters boyfriend. The cat. The dog. The gerbil. The hamster. The goldfish. The budgerigar. The parot. The list goes on and on with you right at the bottom of it.

Cat carrier, OP. Your wife puts her in. The vet takes her out. The vet puts her back in after the check-up. You open the door and she walks out at home. Or better yet, your wife takes her own nasty, biting feline to the vet. Tell her it's for the cat's sake, as she was clearly stressed the last time.

There is a logical explanation as to why she comforted the cat rather than you. Cats are psyco! If she didnt comfort the cat the cat would get pissed off and murder the whole family! Cats are violent! She didnt comfort you, she saved you life! You shoul be thankful!

Did anyone else read this as if he was taking his CAR to the vet?? I was wondering what the hell he was trying to do...

You seriously went to the hospital for that? Man up