By good husband - 30/04/2013 16:03 - Canada

Today, I took my wife's cat to the vet for her yearly check up. I'm finishing the day at the hospital with multiple bite wounds and a deep gash in my leg. My wife chose to comfort her cat instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 841
You deserved it 4 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For ****'s sake, people! How many trite, overused goddamned pussy jokes are you people going to make? New material! NOW!

Well sounds like you're not getting or playing with any pussy tonight...


johnnyboy7 5

I really don't see how this is grounds for a divorce...

I find it weird that it's 'her' cat. I know cats tend to have favourites but still, if you're married, shouldn't it be 'our' cat? Even if she got it before you met/married, it's kinda both of yours now...maybe the fact that you don't see it as yours has something to do with your bad relationship with it...

I guess the lesson is "don't comfort your wife's pussy."

Seriously? A hospital trip because of a cat? It better have been a damn tiger or something, no excuse for a trip to the ER otherwise. Put a bandaid on it and man up. That's why she chose to comfort the cat instead.

Didn't think that maybe OP meant the veterinary hospital?

Why do I hear the chorus to "Cat-Scratch Fever" when I read this FML? I hope that you get better, OP.

Well, you are, technically, collateral damage.

It sounds weird to me to say your wife's cat. Isn't it your cat, too, since your married? Or is it like children-- when they're being naughty, they belong to the other parent? :P